Home Learning

Learning & Support

English and Maths
English and maths home learning will be provided on a Friday for the children to hand in on Monday morning.  This learning will either reinforce or introduce learning within the classroom.  If your child finds any aspect of the work too challenging they can speak to myself or Miss Amor during registration on a Monday morning. We will then book them into home learning club with myself on a Tuesday Lunchtime.
Any parent comments in your child's home learning book are very helpful.   Please let me know aspects of the work they have found tricky and needed your support with. 
Your child will be given weekly spellings to learn.  These will be handed out on a Monday for a test on a Friday.  We will be discussing ways of learning unknown spellings effectively in the first few weeks of term so please encourage your child to use spelling pyramids, diamonds, rainbow writing, look-write-cover-check and speed writing.  It is more beneficial that they spend 5 minutes each day learning their spellings than 20 minutes on the Thursday night!
Home Reading

This year we will continue to have our Reading Award Scheme running. Within this scheme children who show that they are reading regularly at home are awarded with a book at the end of each term.   We will set targets for the amount / frequency/ quality of reading so please encourage your child to record their home reading whether if is independent reading or with a family member.  We want children to enjoy reading and sharing books with others! 

It is really important that your child has their reading record at school everyday – the comments within it are vital evidence of their progress.