Microhabitats - Create a Rock Pool!

Learning & Support

In our Science Topic on Living Things, Topaz class have been investigating Mircohabitats.   We researched three different sea creatures (cuttlefish, starfish and hermit crab) and designed a Rock Pool Microhabitat for them based on their basic needs (food, air, water and shelter).  It was trickier than it looked, as some of these creatures needed to breathe oxygen from the water through their gills, and some needed to be able to come to the surface and breathe air on land with their lungs.   There was some fantastic problem solving going on in each group as they tried to come up with ways to adapt their habitats for all of its inhabitants.    Finally, we turned their designs into reality by creating their rock pools in plastic trays and filling them with water.  We are looking forward to the designs by next week's Science Explorers when they get to have a go too!